The e-mail enters the 21st Century: with a new mail service will continue the social network Facebook, the various digital communication channels to bundle its online platform. has summarized the key changes.
What is new about Facebook's Universal Service?
Facebook provides a uniform surface to combine all known and existing communication channels. All e-mails, Facebook messages, instant messages and SMS should be run together in a mailbox, where it manages.
Will my e-mail address soon be obsolete?
Each user can theoretically give up its existing e-mail address and communicate as a Facebook user over the network also with people who are not members of the network. This can request its own Facebook address that will be composed of the first and last name and the suffix "@" But this is not a must.
What are the advantages of the new Facebook service?
The big advantage for the user is that all contacts can be managed with a service. Moreover, the real-time communications are possible, as is the case, messaging and chat, or instant.
How much space has the Facebook inbox?
About the size of the mailbox, there is as yet no concrete information. The space is but (as with Google's Gmail) be so large that arise during normal use, no space problems.
The new service will cost money?
No, like any other Facebook applications is also the new service will be and remain free. However, are displayed on the user customized advertising, as in Facebook so far has been the case.
When can I use the new system?
Facebook will test the new feature in the next few months all its users. During launch the service in the U.S. in the coming weeks, should have to wait German Facebook users probably a little longer. The release of the service is scheduled through individual invitations.
Can I archive my email communication?
Similar to Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird can sort incoming messages different folders are created. It is also possible via a message tree view of the earlier conversations.
Can attachments (attachments) sent?
Yes, the new system will also attachments can be sent and opened. Facebook offers it even possible to open such attachments in Microsoft Office formats without Office installed.
Will there still be a subject line?
No, Facebook dispensed in the usual e-mail constituents such as subject lines, copy (CC) and blind copies (Bcc). By this, the Facebook concept seem spontaneous - like a chat service.
What about data protection?
An issue of concern. Facebook founder Zuckerberg acknowledged in the publication that it will be necessary for the smooth running of the new service to collect the email addresses of people who interact with Facebook users, even a member of the network, however.
Can I get my Facebook mailbox with Outlook or Thunderbird?
No, the retrieval of the Facebook-mail accounts with e-mail programs, Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird is not yet planned.
How safe is the new mailbox from spam?
Use the settings should be faxed if only Facebook friends and their friends can send messages, or whether all e-mails are received. This is a spam be stopped.
17 Nisan 2011 Pazar
Facebook advanced
Facebook surfing, browsing Facebook, Facebook read: The largest network in the world is growing steadily. The hype also brings with it many small programs that will increase the fun on Facebook. We show the best applications.
Constant growth and no end in sight: The boom around Facebook holds continuously. In Germany, the Internet giant continued to achieve double-digit growth rates, but in 2011 the network was able to attract 25 percent, with 3.6 million new members. A total romp now 17.5 million Germans in the social world blue.
In an international comparison is at best mediocre, with a total user base of 21 percent of the population has the Zuckerberg'sche network in Germany even more (members) potential. In Switzerland, for example, is already one in three Facebookianer.
Through the resulting quasi-monopoly developed Facebook, to the dismay of many critics, becoming a power in the network. Who wants to leave the promised land no longer, as he surfs the Internet. This is made possible as the social browser Rockmelt.
With the beta version of the browser to be surfing the social experience. Rockmelt aimed explicitly at Facebook users, with no account one need the browser to fetch the first place. All users, he promises above all, more overview when browsing the online status of favorite Facebook friends appear in the left pane, right Facebook, Twitter and YouTube app informed constantly about the latest news and Instant Messaging via Facebook Who is continuous in the browser window possible. For Facebook Junkies certainly a worthwhile alternative browser that lets you on the network itself does not have much time has to spend.
Always up to date
But Rockmelt is only one of many meta-services around the largest network in the world: How does early as Google also Facebook around a growing periphery of services and applications that promise to let the virtual life are more universal in order not nothing to miss.
Who's Firefox for Rockmelt not want to give their marching orders can, for example, keep a plug-in by water, which automatically displays all of Facebook updates. For friends are old-fashioned newspaper reading is the network news the other hand, in the five-column design, such as post-post services make it possible. Optional filters the use of either all Facebook messages or only the posted links, video or images of the network's friends and associates it, visually reminiscent of iGoogle.
Fulfill a similar function as social news reader or Utopic Know About. Who is there on his Facebook or Twitter account logs on, the pages more clarity promise while pooling of social networking activities. How comfortable and rewarding it is, however, in addition to scroll to Facebook in a second window, must have to decide for themselves.
Constant growth and no end in sight: The boom around Facebook holds continuously. In Germany, the Internet giant continued to achieve double-digit growth rates, but in 2011 the network was able to attract 25 percent, with 3.6 million new members. A total romp now 17.5 million Germans in the social world blue.
In an international comparison is at best mediocre, with a total user base of 21 percent of the population has the Zuckerberg'sche network in Germany even more (members) potential. In Switzerland, for example, is already one in three Facebookianer.
Through the resulting quasi-monopoly developed Facebook, to the dismay of many critics, becoming a power in the network. Who wants to leave the promised land no longer, as he surfs the Internet. This is made possible as the social browser Rockmelt.
With the beta version of the browser to be surfing the social experience. Rockmelt aimed explicitly at Facebook users, with no account one need the browser to fetch the first place. All users, he promises above all, more overview when browsing the online status of favorite Facebook friends appear in the left pane, right Facebook, Twitter and YouTube app informed constantly about the latest news and Instant Messaging via Facebook Who is continuous in the browser window possible. For Facebook Junkies certainly a worthwhile alternative browser that lets you on the network itself does not have much time has to spend.

But Rockmelt is only one of many meta-services around the largest network in the world: How does early as Google also Facebook around a growing periphery of services and applications that promise to let the virtual life are more universal in order not nothing to miss.
Who's Firefox for Rockmelt not want to give their marching orders can, for example, keep a plug-in by water, which automatically displays all of Facebook updates. For friends are old-fashioned newspaper reading is the network news the other hand, in the five-column design, such as post-post services make it possible. Optional filters the use of either all Facebook messages or only the posted links, video or images of the network's friends and associates it, visually reminiscent of iGoogle.
Fulfill a similar function as social news reader or Utopic Know About. Who is there on his Facebook or Twitter account logs on, the pages more clarity promise while pooling of social networking activities. How comfortable and rewarding it is, however, in addition to scroll to Facebook in a second window, must have to decide for themselves.
16 Nisan 2011 Cumartesi
Facebook - Friends in Marketing
Their target groups are the Web 2.0! And where are you?
Social media are about to revolutionize marketing. Involvementand participation are key words. Communication with customerstakes place at eye level. Consumers are becoming active participants of marketing, products and even brands.
Felix and Klaus Holzapfel, experts in alternative marketingstrategies illustrate that attract the users in social networks, how to deal with them "brotherhood, " what you can learn from them and how they are actively involved in their own marketing strategy. For only those who understands Facebook can do to positionthemselves and campaign design, the nerves do not talk but as a welcome "friend" of himself. It transformed the recently introducedsocial plugins Facebook static Web pages into interactiveexperiences, network information and create attractive addedvalue for users and companies.
This book guides you through the world of social networks Facebook. It shows how to integrate Facebook in your marketing and the promotion and communication opportunities it offers.
Using numerous examples of international practice - from largebrands to the one-man company - the authors show how toovercome the new challenges in marketing, communications and PR and opens up an audience of millions - worldwide.
Author Biography
Felix Holzapfel is the CEO of the German branch of conceptbakery.The agency specializes in the development of alternative marketing strategies for companies in Germany and the USA. He has a reputation as an author and co-author of several books and hasmade frequent speaker for unconventional, digital and cross-media marketing.
Klaus Holzapfel has lived since 1997 in the U.S. and is CEO ofmarketing agency conceptbakery LLC in Denver, CO. This isfocused on the development and implementation of exceptionalconcepts in the areas of social media and guerrilla marketing. He is also expert in the content of advertising with a good cause and founder of the non-profit organization Ubuntu Now.
Social media are about to revolutionize marketing. Involvementand participation are key words. Communication with customerstakes place at eye level. Consumers are becoming active participants of marketing, products and even brands.
Felix and Klaus Holzapfel, experts in alternative marketingstrategies illustrate that attract the users in social networks, how to deal with them "brotherhood, " what you can learn from them and how they are actively involved in their own marketing strategy. For only those who understands Facebook can do to positionthemselves and campaign design, the nerves do not talk but as a welcome "friend" of himself. It transformed the recently introducedsocial plugins Facebook static Web pages into interactiveexperiences, network information and create attractive addedvalue for users and companies.
This book guides you through the world of social networks Facebook. It shows how to integrate Facebook in your marketing and the promotion and communication opportunities it offers.
Using numerous examples of international practice - from largebrands to the one-man company - the authors show how toovercome the new challenges in marketing, communications and PR and opens up an audience of millions - worldwide.
Author Biography
Felix Holzapfel is the CEO of the German branch of conceptbakery.The agency specializes in the development of alternative marketing strategies for companies in Germany and the USA. He has a reputation as an author and co-author of several books and hasmade frequent speaker for unconventional, digital and cross-media marketing.
Klaus Holzapfel has lived since 1997 in the U.S. and is CEO ofmarketing agency conceptbakery LLC in Denver, CO. This isfocused on the development and implementation of exceptionalconcepts in the areas of social media and guerrilla marketing. He is also expert in the content of advertising with a good cause and founder of the non-profit organization Ubuntu Now.
Facebook offline: Facebook down and not available again
Just a few days, Facebook was offline and unavailable for several hours, caused the last failure, the mass of users to process the Facebook every day have been added.
Currently, according to Facebook's own data on some 500 million users have every day new ones are. Millions of users are currentlylooking into the empty words and try to refresh numerous attemptsto reach Facebook. This is the server additional burden.
Not only Facebook itself is down, and all widgets such as buttonsLike, Friend boxes and much more on external websites work at the hour "break" and not part of the layout
Currently, according to Facebook's own data on some 500 million users have every day new ones are. Millions of users are currentlylooking into the empty words and try to refresh numerous attemptsto reach Facebook. This is the server additional burden.
Not only Facebook itself is down, and all widgets such as buttonsLike, Friend boxes and much more on external websites work at the hour "break" and not part of the layout
12 Nisan 2011 Salı
Facebook is changing the media world
The Press Club Low Net has on Wednesday again searched the conversation and this time the subject was as modern as it can hardly be modern: it was about the media phenomena that go beyond the internet all the limits the areas timeliness, mobility and the number of users. "Facebook, Twitter & Co." are the preferred means of communication in the current generation and you have to be an online specialist, to detect these phenomena in magnitude.
"Everything has changed through Facebook, it is always different, " commented the head of RP Online - named Dr. Rainer Kurlemann - the situation and defined the consensus in the casino of the Savings Bank - Location Wednesday of the conversation. Particularly the named social network it seems to the RP and its online portal to have done. Recognized in its unique abilities and characteristics, the traditional press tries to exploit these new opportunities for itself and uses it specifically to disseminate information and content. "However, Facebook is not a portal, where you just pour just pure content. It must also interact and respond to feedback." they also said in an interview.
Kurlemann recognizes, like many others in Facebook a whole new medium that will have irreversible impact on journalism. For comparison, he drew on the competition platform, Google, which already has left its indelible mark on society. Given the continued growth of users and hence significance of the social network Kurlemann credited even with the fact that it was a short way until "facebook" as a verb would be included in the dictionary.
Relate Given this new giant of the media world has its own niche, the daily newspaper, to continue to exist. These were the discussants at the Wednesday meeting at the Casino of the bank an idea: local coverage are the strengths of the old medium and this is his future.
Facebook - potential for my business use.
Facebook: How can I use the potential of my business "On Friday, 3/25/2011 held in B-1st place in Dortmund a Facebook Workshop is clearly explained, is why Facebook become indispensable as a sales channel and how the possibilities of!. Can use fan page, and Facebook group advertising as a company practically. organizer social media and PR agency "steady news" is.
On web pages you see the "Like-me" button (thumbs up), at the box office by Deichmann advertises "We are on Facebook and Rügenwalder even striking on TV, that they are represented on Facebook. But why should only big companies use this free distribution channel?
In this workshop we would like to bring the network closer to or further your Facebook experience already gained. But focus on the ways you can position your business effectively on Facebook.
We will interactively walk you through the options of companies on Facebook, and clarify any questions or concerns. Notice that the subject is also discussed in detail. Facebook is a network for companies, which can target the audience to be addressed.
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